Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

...or maybe Happy Birthday tu-mor...
...or maybe Happy Birthday -- TWO MORE!

It's 12/12. I've survived two years. Based on Lance Armstrong's view that his diagnosis date marked the day he "started living", I'm enjoying the second birthday of my new life. And I got an A+ on my neuro exam yesterday. Time to break out the hats and horns.

One more year, and I would reach "long-term survivor" status. Two more years (two more with the tumor) and I'd get to see my son baptized without waving from a cloud. I might even have my black belt by then. Three more years, and I'd be a complete freak of nature. (A happy one, however.) And who knows...maybe there will be a cure somewhere in there, or at least a treatment that lets me hang on until the cure is found. Until then I'm hanging onto my good medical team and many many prayers.

I just hope I'm not entering the "terrible two's"...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Krista and congrats, congrats! And thanks for the great joke. I'll have to try to remember that one to tell to others. (My memory is so bad sometimes, and I don't even have a tumor; however, Alzheimer's runs in my family - eewwww.)

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you, Jared, and your cute kids!

Love and hugs,

mom2my2boys said...
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Laine said...

Yay Krista! I love your blog, keep it up. Happy belated birthday. Elaine