Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So now what do I call this?


...and...4-1? 4.083?


Whatever it's called, it's another month of survival under my belt, and something to be grateful for!


scotvixen said...

I just found your blog and wanted to say Hi and thank you for writing what are to me word of encouragement for GBM survivours.

Margaret said...

I wrote a poem I'd like to share with you.

No Survivor Am I

My worth isn’t measured by my current condition,
Opinions of others, or my present position.
Though my foot may slip, I am not incomplete,
My failures are never my final defeat.
By God’s grace, I’ll dance though the fire,
Knowing by faith I’ll not drown in the mire.
A survivor is never what I shall be
But a powerful overcomer for others to see.
My suffering, I’ll know, was never in vain,
Seeing someone’s miracle brought out of my pain.
My destiny isn’t sealed by today’s situation,
My current position is not my final destination.