Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Second = Best

My son's baseball team finished their season tonight with an exciting championship game...

...and took home the second place trophy.

(That's my Jake, front row, third from your right, holding his trophy high in one hand with his Gatorade in his other hand!)

This team has played together since they were four years old, and they work really well together. This season they moved into a tougher league, and they had some challenges to overcome. And despite those challenges, they managed to pull off a great season, and we have enjoyed each moment.

Despite their disappointment over not winning the championship title, they still emerged from the bullpen exuberant over a job well done. They really played their best this season, and that made it so exciting to watch. In my completely objective and unbiased opinion, they were true champions.

Best of all, I spent the season grateful time and again for the opportunity to be in the bleachers, rooting for #8 and getting a wink and a thumbs-up sign from him. Tonight was one of those moments I would never want to miss -- and I didn't!


Nancy said...

WOOT! Congratulations to your son and the team accomplishments.

Anonymous said...


You are so inspiring. My daughter, Maureen, would have loved to meet you. I lost her to brain cancer in 2005. I found your blog through website searching. With your permission, I would like send a link to your blog to other brain cancer patients who have applied for financial assistance from the Mission4Maureen foundation, named for my daughter. All of them need to keep hope alive! The website is www.mission4maureen.com

Anonymous said...

You are one of the finest examples of Elder Ballard's advice on the internet and blogs. You just got a 2 1/2 year jump on it! It's amazing all the good you're accomplishing.