MRI was good! My doctor was very pleased, and so am I. The plan is to come back in another three months for another perfusion study.
It appears that everything showing up on the MRI is negative for perfusion, which means that we only see necrosis (radiation damage) in parts of my brain. This is much better than cancer taking over my brain. We'll keep doing perfusion studies with my MRI scans, so that we can continue to confirm that nothing else is growing.
As I was celebrating with the nurses, they congratulated me on my radiation damage, and then we had a good laugh about whether there was a greeting card for such an occasion. ("Congratulations -- no more tumor, just more fried brain!") We kept trying to come up with words that rhymed with "necrosis". I finally came up with the following verse (picture this on gray cardstock with little black spots all over it):
It appears that everything showing up on the MRI is negative for perfusion, which means that we only see necrosis (radiation damage) in parts of my brain. This is much better than cancer taking over my brain. We'll keep doing perfusion studies with my MRI scans, so that we can continue to confirm that nothing else is growing.
As I was celebrating with the nurses, they congratulated me on my radiation damage, and then we had a good laugh about whether there was a greeting card for such an occasion. ("Congratulations -- no more tumor, just more fried brain!") We kept trying to come up with words that rhymed with "necrosis". I finally came up with the following verse (picture this on gray cardstock with little black spots all over it):
There's one thing we know, sis',
And that is: necrosis
Is better than tumor
When it comes to prognosis.
There's no need for psychosis
(And please -- no neurosis!)
It just means grey matter cells
Do less mitosis.
It's not a thrombosis,
Stenosis, or cirrhosis.
And when you have GBM, it's
Congratulations on your MRI!