I have a date for neurosurgery to implant my Ommaya reservoir. (I keep remembering the name, because I put my hand to my cheek and say, "Oh, my! A reservoir!)
It's less than 24 hours away. 3:30 on Monday, to be exact. I check in at 1:30, and after surgery I stay in the ICU for at least 24 hours. Infection is a high risk complication, especially when cerebral spinal fluid is involved, so I will be getting antibiotics for 24 hours.
The wagons have circled on my behalf. My husband's employer is wonderfully supportive. (Really -- call your local Mary Kay consultant and buy LOTS of stuff!!!) Family members and church members are already lined up for meals, child care/entertainment, and anything else I can ask for. We have a new captain of the angels, and her primary burden is sorting through all of the duplicate volunteers. Prayers and fasting are also in abundance.
(Speaking of fasting, despite the 3:30pm schedule, I still have directions of NPO after midnight. So I'm there with you.)
Temodar and radiation will start the following Monday. I went in last Friday for a flu shot, a C-T scan, and another MRI. I also got tatooed with several tiny black freckles, and I will go in again this Friday for "final marking" (whatever that means).
My husband and son got their flu shots, too. My daughter is looking forward to hers. We spent Saturday scouring the bathrooms and placing hand sanitizers at every entry in our house. The kids have been retrained in laundry and dishwashing skills. We are doing all we can to prevent injuries or infections. I'll be the princess in the bubble.
For health and safety reasons, I was asked about the possibility of being released from my calling as a cub scout leader. There are legitimate concerns about whether this would be advisable for the time being, but I am finally hitting my stride in this assignment and am really enjoying it. However, sometimes when we get really good at something, the calling is released, and we look forward to another opportunity to serve in the church. I said that if the bishopric prayed about it, I would do whatever they thought was best.
The most important calling to me is that of mother, which is a calling I waited many anxious years for. My role was not to bring my children into the world -- that was the job of their angel birthmothers. (I couldn't possibly make them this cute, and I'm glad I didn't pass any DNA on to them!) My role is to mother them and nurture them and prepare them for all that is needful in this world. And they are at a very enjoyable age right now. We have had some precious teaching moments together. In fact, feel that I am hitting my stride. But hopefully this will not signal the release of my calling to raise them. This time I am praying about it, and I know that the Lord will do whatever He thinks is best. These are His children, too, and he will provide every needful thing for them, just as He has for me. (I just hope that I am one of those needful things!)
So off I go tomorrow, hungry but cushioned and blanketed with prayers and faith of so many. There is truly enough faith present to work miracles, so I am secure in knowing that the outcome of this process will be the right outcome.
I will pray for you, too, Krista. I know God will be watching over you all.
I will be thinking about you and praying for you here in VT while we visit Joseph Smith's birthplace on Monday. On Tuesday I will put your name in the Palmyra Temple when we go there.
I will be praying for you and everyone involved. You are such an inspiration to me and so many others.
Stephanie from AK now in LA
Our thoughts are with you today.
Brett & Lara
I'm also praying for you. You seem to take it all. I whine. Why me? Why this? Another test? Don't I deserve break? I hope all goes well. You have care and lots of love and prayers.
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