Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17

Today (May 17) was Livestrong Day. Lance Armstrong's foundation always commemmorates this day every year, as it was the date when Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. They ask people to wear yellow and/or Livestrong apparel, and they have various activities to promote cancer awareness and advocate cancer-related causes. I wore my Livestrong polo shirt, baseball cap, and wristband, and when my dad and I went out to lunch, I got a lot of questions about whether I worked for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. (I don't.)

May 17 is also a special day each year for my husband and me, because it is our "kiss-a-versary." 23 years ago on May 17, we had our third date and I got a nice kiss on the doorstep as Jared dropped me off. He remembers this date, too - he even puts it on his PDA calendar. (How many husbands actually do that? I'm LUCKY!) It was also the day that I took and miserably failed my AP History exam, because I was distracted by "date tonight with Jared - woo hoo!"

We celebrated by having some new furniture delivered today. Because I can't drive (which is so silly because I can tool around skillfully on a bicycle...and I must confess that I did actually break the rules and tried driving a little bit last was weird), I can't visit my clients, so they have to come to my home office for in-person meetings. So now I have some nice, new living room furniture (because it serves as my office lobby) and a nice, new dining table & chairs (because it's also my conference table). See - it's like I said before: cancer has its privileges.

Today also marks my eighth day of consecutive exercise - I'm back into the obsessive exercise groove again! Daily exercise - no excuses - unless a doctor says to stop (and then only when arguing with the doctor doesn't change their mind). That's the policy that worked for me really well in my B.C. years. I want to beat my previous three-year streak (especially because that would involve surviving for three years). I kicked it off on May 5 with Relay for Life, and I haven't stopped since. Lately we've done a lot of bike riding as a family, now that my daughter is old enough to sit with her brother in the trailer that Jared pulls behind his bike. It makes me feel very Lance Armstrong-ish as we pedal around. (Especially today as I did so in my Livestrong gear!)

Living strong and loving strong, and celebrating both today on May 17.


Naturegirl said...

What a lovely post and sharing all your wonderful memories! I had a battle with breast cancer and posted my feelings (Solid Ground)certainly a journey that touches so many. I shall visit again. Be strong!!

bryny said...

Driving is a curious subject to me. I've lost the entire left side in both eyes after my GBM resections. THe curious thing is that TX DOT iddued me a new license without an eye test even though I marked the boxes for change in vison and being on anti seizure meds. If there are people out there driving with vison like mine it's pretty scarey



Anonymous said...

Krista- I keep reading every week and I swear I am gonna call you and we need to get together after school gets out next week! Jerry, the kids and I as well as my other friends continue to pray for you! Hugs!